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Unix Dweeb

Unix’s mysterious && and ||

Jul 05, 20173 mins

The Unix shell’s && and || operators provide some very useful functionality, but they can be a bit mysterious, especially considering the number of options for how they are used.

The most common use of these Boolean operators is in the construction of multi-conditional tests—when you want two or more conditions to be true (or any in a set of operators to be true) before some command is run. The && serves as a logical AND (requiring all conditions to be true) operation, while the || provides a logical OR (requiring only one to be true).

Combining tests

In the script below, we’re using && to combine two very simple conditions. We won’t get output unless both conditions are true. This particular script runs through the tests twice, but only to demonstrate the two “flavors” of the brackets that can be used. Note that && doesn’t work inside square brackets unless they’re doubled.


echo $1 $2

if [ $1 == "a" ] && [ $2 == "b" ]
  echo c

if [[ $1 == "a" && $2 == "b" ]]
  echo c

This script will output a “c” twice if the first argument ia “a” or if the second is “b”. It will do the same thing if the first two arguments are “a” and “b”.

if [ $1 == "a" ] || [ $2 == "b" ]
  echo c

if [[ $1 == "a" || $2 == "b" ]]
  echo c

The double brackets allow you to put the && and || between the tests themselves. This is a newer syntax and may not be supported by every shell.

The Boolean logic of commands

Interestingly, that we put on each side of a && or || operator, however, doesn’t need to be a test. They can be commands. If we put a command on each side, the command on the right of a && will be run only if the command on the left is successful. The command on the right of a || will be run only if the command on the left fails.

The reason for this behavior is tied to the Boolean nature of the operators. If a command runs successfully, the result is evaluated as “true”. If a command fails, the result is evaluated as “false”.

So, we get this behavior:

$ echo hello || echo byebye

$ echo hello && echo goodbye

In the first command above, we see only “hello” in the output because with an OR, satisfaction on the left side is all that is required for the overall command line to be satisfied. In the second command, both echo commands are run because both sides need to be run for an AND connection.

Using && or || to exit loops

You can also use && to exit a loop once some condition is met. The script below will loop until a file named /tmp/wait4me is available (exists and is readable) and will then exit via the break command. Note that we’re also suppressing error messages by sending that output to /dev/null.


while true
  tail /tmp/wait4me 2> /dev/null && break
  sleep 2

If you had coded the loop this way instead, it would exit as soon as the /tmp/wait4me file was no longer accessible.


while true
  tail /tmp/wait4me 2>/dev/null || break
  sleep 2

Wrapping up

The && and || operators can be useful in a number of ways and, hopefully, are a little less mysterious than they might have seemed.

Unix Dweeb

Sandra Henry-Stocker has been administering Unix systems for more than 30 years. She describes herself as "USL" (Unix as a second language) but remembers enough English to write books and buy groceries. She lives in the mountains in Virginia where, when not working with or writing about Unix, she's chasing the bears away from her bird feeders.

The opinions expressed in this blog are those of Sandra Henry-Stocker and do not necessarily represent those of IDG Communications, Inc., its parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies.

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