Learn how to use a host of Linux commands in these 2-minute video tutorials from Sandra Henry-Stocker, author of the Unix as a Second Language blog.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at how the greater than symbols work. Both allow you to save the output of Linux commands to files, but they’re not the same.
In this Linux tip, we’ll look at the touch command. It’s a command that can be used to create an empty file or update the time stamp on an existing file.
In this Linux tip, we’ll look at the whoami command. It’s a very simple command that displays your username.
In this video transcript, Sandra Henry-Stocker discusses how to calculate factorials on a Linux system. She explains that factorials are the multiplication of numbers starting with a specified number and decreasing incrementally until reaching 1. To calculate factorials on Linux, you can use commands like "seq" and "bc." The "seq" command is used to generate a list of sequential numbers, and the "bc" command is used to perform the factorial calculations.
In this episode, Sandra Henry-Stocker, author of the "Unix as a Second Language" blog on NetworkWorld, explores the use of the "nohup" (no hangup) command in Linux.
In this episode, Sandra Henry-Stocker, the author of the "Unix as a Second Language" blog on NetworkWorld, introduces various ways to use the Linux date command. She demonstrates how to use the "date" command to display the current day of the week, date, time, and time zone.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at several ways to increment and decrement numeric variables in bash.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at a way that you can view every Nth line in a text file – whether every other line, every third line, every eleventh line or whatever you want to see.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the comm command – a Linux command that provides a report on the lines that are common in two text files along with those that only exist in one file or the other.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at how you can get your command history to omit commands when you enter them more than once in a row.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at using the more command to view text files a selected number of lines at a time.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the greater than and greater than x2 operators and how they work. The greater than operator will take the output of the command preceding it and put it into the file that follows it.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at setting up sudo privileges for users on Fedora. The key is to make them members of the “wheel” group.
In this Linux tip we will learn how to encrypt using Vim
In this Linux tip, we will look at how to move around on the Linux command line. There may be some tricks that you don’t know.
In this video, we're going to take a look at how you can search for commands in your command history -- in reverse order – and then rerun one.
In this video, we're going to take a look at the grep command and some of the things you can do with it.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the netstat -s command that displays network statistics. The numbers reflect activity since the system’s last boot so some counts will change fairly frequently.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the df -Th command. It provides details on your file systems but, unlike du -h, it adds the file system type – a good thing to take a look at from time to time and understand.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the fortune command. Yes, fortune. It’s a command that will tell you your fortune though, I have to admit, it’s entirely random.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the echo command and several ways you can use it. First, on the command line, you can enter the echo command followed by a string to display some text. You can even include variables and commands.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at a mkdir command that will create a complex directory structure in one step.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the zdiff command. It’s a command that allows you to view the differences between 2 gzipped files – differences in the content that was compressed.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the zipcloak command that you can use to encrypt a zip file so that it is password-protected.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look the tr command (translate) that is used to replace or remove characters in strings or files.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the whatis command. It’s a helpful command that will give you a one-line description of any command that you ask about.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at a bash option that will cause a script to exit any time it encounters an error. It’s called “errexit."
In this Linux tip, we’re going to examine bash's continue command. It is a bash built-in and provides a way to stop executing the commands in a loop depending on some condition.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to examine bash’s break command. It is a bash built-in and provides a way to break out of a loop prematurely.
In this Linux tip, we’ll explore how to use single and double quotes on the Linux command line or in scripts.
In this Linux tip, we’ll explore some ways you can check the status of files using the if command.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look into several uses of the cd command. While it’s routinely used to move into a different directory, there are some more unusual ways to use this command.
The yes command provides a stream of output for you – a single “y” on every line by default – and it moves very quickly down your screen.
The which command tells you where the command executable being asked about is stored on your system, and the whereis command shows you that information and more.
Figlet allows you to display messages using very large letters in a terminal window on Linux.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to work with the eval command. It’s a bash built-in that can run a variable as a command. This means that you can set up a complex command by saving it as a variable and then run it using eval. Doing this can be very convenient when you’re creating a complex command.
While fold is generally used to break long lines of text into shorter lines, it can also provide the arguments to drive a loop.
This trick works because Linux stores dates/times as the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. This doesn’t mean you can’t look at earlier dates; the earlier dates are simply stored as negative numbers.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at how to repeat commands using !! or the up-arrow key on your keyboard. Any time you want to rerun previous commands on the Linux command line, these tricks make it easier to run the command again.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look into the ip a command. It’s one that provides details on your network connection. If you want to type some additional letters, you can enter the command ip address instead, but the results will be the same.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to take a look at htop – a very useful command-line tool for looking into system performance and nailing down the cause of system slowdowns.
In this Linux tip, learn several ways to extract substrings on Linux.
In this Linux tip, learn how you can use the grep command to cheat when you play Wordle. Linux systems can be very helpful in this because of the many commands it provides and the fact that it includes a lengthy words file.
In this Linux tip, learn how to use the strace and ltrace commands. They provide information on the system and library calls that a Linux process makes and this information can help when you're troubleshooting a process that's not behaving as you'd expect.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at a simple way to set up a quick function that allows you to run calculations a lot more easily than usual.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the && (AND) and || (OR) operators and how they can be used.
In this Linux tip, we look at an awk command that you can use to remove duplicate lines from text files – even when those lines aren't consecutive.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at the btrfsck command. It provides file system checking for btrfs file systems – sometimes referred to as the "better" file systems, but actually named for its B-tree underpinnings.
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at using the date command to run tests. You can always use the date command to see what day it is, but you can also use it in scripts to test what time, day of the month or month of the year it is (and a lot of other things too).
In this Linux tip, we’re going to look at clamav. It's a free and open source tool that lets you scan for viruses on Linux.
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