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Unix Dweeb

Get ready to use Linux containers

Jan 23, 20184 mins

Joe Brockmeier, a senior evangelist at Red Hat, explains the benefits of containers on Linux, how they work and how to prepare to use them.

One of the most exciting things to happen in the Linux world in the past few years is the emergence of containers — self-contained Linux environments that live inside another OS and provide a way to package and isolate applications.

They’re not quite virtual systems, since they rely on the host OS to operate, nor are they simply applications. Dan Walsh from Red Hat has said that on Linux, “everything is a container,” reminding me of the days when people claimed that everything on Unix was a file. But the vision has less to do with the guts of the OS and more to do with explaining how containers work and how they are different than virtual systems in some very interesting and important ways.

To get some perspective on containers, I spoke with Joe Brockmeier, a senior evangelist at Red Hat. He suggests that we can think of containers as lightweight virtual machines, though he pointed out that we’d not be technically correct. Container runtimes talk to the host’s kernel and run applications out of tarballs. They provide a very convenient format for shipping applications — avoiding the pain associated with tracking down dependencies, compiling anything, or struggling with any sort of configuration. Instead, you get the end result you’re looking for in one package — the container. It won’t interfere with other applications you’re running or require you to worry about configuration or work beyond the installation.

None of this is meant to imply that containers don’t require work. The work required, however, is on the part of the organization or individuals building each container. Moving a legacy application into a container to run on its own can involve a lot of work and require a lot of expertise. It’s just that none of that work gets passed onto the people installing it.

Is there a performance hit when using containers?

The likelihood of a performance hit associated with running a container is very small, especially compared with virtual systems. Containers run with an agility that is comparable to bare metal. Unless the container is flawed because someone upstream made mistakes in putting one together, you should not notice any performance loss.

What about security?

Linux containers offer a lot of advantages when it comes to system security — particular because they provide a serious way to isolate applications from one another and from other running processes. With containers, you could run 20 different versions of Python at the same time if you were so inclined with no problems.

In addition, containers cannot see or be affected by other containers’ network traffic. They simply can’t interfere with other applications that are running on the system.

Containers allow applications to be moved around with all of the files they require, making it easy to move them from one environment to another — whether from testing to production or from production to a secondary/alternate site.

Where are containers heading?

Linux containers provide an extremely convenient way to ship applications and avoid a lot of the follow-up support that your customers might require if they were to run into problems setting them up and configuring them.

We’re probably still just seeing the start of the application-as-container delivery wave as companies begin to recognize the advantages and jump deeply into container technology.

How to start using containers on Linux

Since containers are likely to become critical parts of our networks, this is a good time to investigate the various tools and models that are becoming available — from LXC to Docker and Kubernetes.

You can try out the commands for building LXC containers on one of your Linux systems. For example, using LXC, you can easily set up a container and get a feel for how it works and maintains its isolation. Here are some basic steps:

  • Install LXC: sudo apt-get install lxc
  • Create a container: sudo lxc-create -t fedora -n fed-01
  • List your containers: sudo lxc-ls
  • Start a container: sudo lxc-start -d -n fed-01
  • Get a console for your container: sudo lxc-console -n fed-01

More information on getting started with LXC is available at

You can also look into some of the premier tools for containerization — such as Docker and Kubernetes. These two tools might at first to do the same thing, but they work at different layers in the stack and can in some ways actually work together.

Read about container technology:

Managing containers

Once you and your organization are deploying containers with enthusiasm (or maybe even before), you may find yourself looking into how to best manage a population of containers. Here’s a reference on Container orchestration tools to get you started.

Unix Dweeb

Sandra Henry-Stocker has been administering Unix systems for more than 30 years. She describes herself as "USL" (Unix as a second language) but remembers enough English to write books and buy groceries. She lives in the mountains in Virginia where, when not working with or writing about Unix, she's chasing the bears away from her bird feeders.

The opinions expressed in this blog are those of Sandra Henry-Stocker and do not necessarily represent those of IDG Communications, Inc., its parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies.

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